- He/She shall have a degree in Law from a recognized University entitling him to practice the profession of Law with minimum two years active practice or is Barrister of England or Ireland or is a Member of the Faculty of Advocates of Scotland;
- He/She is practicing the profession of law with minimum two years active practice or is a member of the staff of the Supreme Court, High Court of Sindh or Courts Sub-ordinate to the High Court of Sindh. The expression “practicing the profession of law” shall include any period of service of the State by a person as:
- Legal Assistant or Section Officer in the Law Department of Government of Sindh, only,
- Assistant Attorney,
- Assistant Solicitor,
- Full time Prosecutor, authorized to conduct prosecution on behalf of the State in a Court,
- Civil Servants, other than those mentioned above, who have served in connection with the affairs of the Province or Federation for a period of not less than three years.
Minimum 21—Maximum 32 years on the last date fixed for submission of applications for appointment.
- In the case of Civil Servant, who has served in connection with the affairs of the Federation or the Province of Sindh for a period of not less than three years, the upper age limit shall be 35 years.
- In the case of a Barrister or an Advocate of the High Court and the Courts sub-ordinate thereto, or a pleader, the period during which he practiced at the bar, subject to a maximum period of three years, shall, for the purpose of upper age limit under this rule, be excluded from his age.
- In the case of a person whose services under Government have been terminated for want of vacancy, the period of service already rendered by him shall, for the purpose of upper age limit under this rule, be excluded from his age.
The candidates securing minimum 50% marks in the preliminary test of M.C.Qs. will be eligible for the 2nd written test and the candidates securing minimum 50% marks in the written test will be eligible for the interview.
There Will Be 100 Questions In The Mcqs Test To Be Solved Within 120 Minutes. Format Of Mcqs Will Comprise As Follow:
I) 50 Questions Relating To Law.
Ii) 25 Questions Relating To General Knowledge/I.Q.
Iii) 25 Questions Relating To English Language.