Free Test 1. CrPC for LAW-GAT & SEE-LAWBy Hanzala / March 13, 2025 Free Test: 1 1. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, was enacted on _______. a) 1st January 1898 b) 22nd March 1898 c) 1st July 1898 d) 14th August 1898 2. According to CrPC, the Code extends to _______. a) The whole of Pakistan b) Only Punjab and Sindh c) Islamabad Capital Territory only d) Only Provincial Courts 3. "Public Prosecutor" under CrPC includes any person appointed under section _______. a) 154 b) 161 c) 492 d) 342 4. "Complaint" under CrPC does not include _______. a) An oral or written allegation made to a Magistrate b) A police report c) A written allegation of an offence committed d) None of the above 5. The term "Charge" under CrPC includes _______. a) Any head of charge when there are multiple charges b) Only one main charge c) Just an oral accusation d) None of the above 6. In making an arrest, a police officer shall actually touch or confine the body of the person unless there is a submission to custody by: a) Only word b) Only action c) Word or action d) None of the above 7. If ingress to a place is not obtainable under Section 47, a police officer may enter by: a) Requesting the landlord b) Breaking open any outer or inner door or window c) Waiting until the person comes out voluntarily d) Seeking permission from a Magistrate 8. A released convict committing a breach of rules can be: a) Warned b) Arrested without a warrant c) Issued a notice d) Let off with a fine 9. An arrested person must be presented before a Magistrate or officer without: a) Delay b) A lawyer c) A written order d) A trial 10. When an offense is committed in a Magistrate’s presence, he may: a) Arrest the offender b) Order arrest c) Commit the offender to custody d) All of the above 11. A search warrant may be issued under which section? a) Section 98 b) Section 96 c) Section 102 d) Section 94 12. When a person is searched under Section 102(3), who must conduct the search if the person is a woman? a) Any police officer b) A female officer following Section 52 c) A Magistrate d) A male police officer 13. A search warrant under Section 100 can be issued by a Magistrate of the __________ class. a) Third b) Second c) First d) Any 14. Which section deals with security for good behavior from persons disseminating seditious matter? a) Section 106 b) Section 107 c) Section 108 d) Section 109 15. If a person fails to provide security under Section 118, the Magistrate may order his _____ until security is given or the period expires. a) Conditional release b) Detention c) Probation d) Bail 16. If the jury finds the Magistrate’s order reasonable under Section 139, the order is: a) Set aside b) Made absolute c) Sent for review d) Modified by a civil court 17. When Assistant Sessions Judge passes an imprisonment order for a term of more than 4 year, then appeal may be filed before ________ against such order. a) Court of Sessions b) High Court c) Both A and B d) Any Court 18. An order under section 144 of Code of Criminal Procedure may be directed to the _____. a) Particular individual b) Public General c) Both A and B d) None of these 19. The statement recorded under section 161 by police officer is deemed as ________ type of evidence. a) Authentic b) Pivotal c) Substantial d) Corroborative 20. Diary of proceeding shall be maintained by Investigation Officer as required under section ________. a) 171 b) 173 c) 172 d) 174 21. Appeal can be made under section 417 of Code of Criminal Procedure against acquittal order passed by ________. a) Additional Sessions Judge b) Court of session c) Magistrate court d) All of these 22. The sole purpose of investigation is to ________. a) Find guilt of the Accused b) Collect evidence c) Reduce evidence d) None of these 23. Mode of imprisonment will be in case of failure of giving security for keeping the peace. a) Simple b) Rigorous c) Both A and B d) None of these 24. Where there is likelihood of breach of peace and tranquility from any person ________ may ask him security for keeping peace as provided under section 107 of code of criminal procedure a) The Magistrate of first class b) Session Judge c) High Court Judge d) All of these 25. Evidence taking is ________ for making conditional order of abatement of nuisance under section 133 of Code of Criminal Procedure. a) Discretionary b) Mandatory c) Optional d) All of these 26. Duration of order under section 144 can be extended where there is ________. a) Danger to human life b) Danger to health c) Likely hood of riot or affray d) All of these 27. FIR can be lodged by officer Incharge of police station at the information of ________. a) Victim b) Responsible citizen c) Any person d) None 28. Magistrate may authorize detention of accused for a term not exceeding ________days U/S 167. a) 12 b) 14 c) 15 d) 21 29. Magistrate shall examine the complainant at once upon ________ while taking cognizance of offence on compliant. a) Evidence b) Oath c) Fact d) All of these 30. According to section 205 Magistrate may dispense attendance of ________. a) Complainant b) Witness c) Accused d) Witness of all 31. According to section 50 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, the person arrested__________ be subjected to more restraint than is necessary to prevent his escape. a) May b) May not c) Shall d) Shall not 32. According to section 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898,__________ may, if it thinks fit, impound any document or thing produced before it under this Code. a) Any court b) Court of magistrate of 1st class c) Court of session d) Court of judicial magistrate 33. As per section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, A Magistrate taking cognizance of an offence on complaint shall at once examine the complainant upon oath, and the substance of the examination shall be reduced to writing and shall be signed by the complainant, and also by the: a) Concerned Police Officer b) Defendant c) Magistrate d) Prosecution Witness 34. As per section 410 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, Any person convicted on a trial held by a Sessions Judge, or an Additional Sessions Judge, may appeal to the? a) Any Court b) High Court c) Court of Session d) Supreme Court 35. As per section 4(j) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, “High Court” means the highest Court of _______ or revision for a province: a) Criminal appeal b) Civil appeal c) Second appeal d) Final appeal